Basketball at WJAA
WJAA puts Basketball teams on the floor from Kindergarten through 6th grade.
Instructional League
In Basketball we offer Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade instructional leagues. The kids will compete in a co-ed format on lowered rims. The focus will be on fundamentals. They will play on Saturdays against other Williamsburg teams and in some cases other area teams. This league is strictly about learning the game.
League Play
For or 3rd through 6th grade teams we offer League play. Teams will compete in either the CBYBA (Clermont Brown Youth Basketball Association). The league they play in will be determined by the VP of basketball with input from the coaches. These leagues offer different levels of competition to challenge our players of different levels.
Once our Basketball teams reach the 5th grade and there are enough players to make two WJAA teams, the players will be evaluated. The evaluations are done by our Varsity Basketball coaching staff. Players are then placed on a Blue team or a White team based on skill level. This will allow the more advanced players to be placed in a higher level league and be challenged while at the same time allowing the less advanced players to play on a team where they will get the ball in their hands more often and play a bigger role on their teams. This will develop both types of players at a quicker pace.
Please contact Jacob Simpson or Jason McCarthy our VP of Basketball with questions about Basketball.
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