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Williamsburg Junior Athletic Association

Williamsburg Junior Athletic Association


What are the fees to play a sport at WJAA? The main sports at WJAA are $85 when signups open. Second level sports without a game schedule or many associated fees such and cheer, wrestling and our basketball are $40. First year players under our instructional division for Baseball, Basketball, Softball, & Soccer are Free


Why are the fees at the price they are? Our fees are the lowest around and that is only because of our fundraisers. A recent calculation done by our Treasurer showed we would need to charge $104 a child just to break even if we did not have fundraisers. The money goes towards paying umpires and soccer refs, league fees, insurance, field maintenance, mowing, gas, utilities at the park including electric, water, and garbage, sports equipment and improvements. 


Why do I have to pay to get into Basketball Games? In Basketball league rules state we must pay the Refs close to $30 a game. With two Refs on the court the money collected at the door is usually just enough to cover their fees and those of the clock operator and score keeper. 


How do I know if the fields are closed for practices or games? Check the WJAA website main page and look at the right hand side of the page for the  twitter feed. Also this new website has a field condition notice on the main page. This is updated by 4:00 anytime there is a question. Additionally if you arrive at the complex and there is a RED flag in the main gate the entire park is CLOSED.


What is Kid Glove, Why should we participate? WJAA provides baseball teams with the Kid Glove fundraiser so that baseball and softball teams can have new equipment each year. Teams sell Kid glove tickets and receive back approx 70% of the sales of those tickets to purchase new equipment the following year. Many of our teams each year raise $300 to $500 for new equipment. Teams that do not participate in this fundraiser must find an alternate means to purchase equipment. Kid Glove is the way WJAA provides for it’s teams. It is a WJAA fundraiser. In addition each team is given game balls for the season and field items such as bases, pitching rubbers, and line dust are provided by WJAA through money raised in Kid Glove. WJAA will also use a portion of the kid glove money to equip incoming first year tee ball teams with tees and balls. 


What happens to our Kid Glove money if our team folds? WJAA can use the Kid Glove funds as they see fit to purchase equipment or they can split the money among the teams that participated. The money does not stay with the coach, can not be used for personal use and can not be spent on a team who is not participating at WJAA that year. 


I’m upset about my coach. Who do I talk to? After you have tried to have a civil conversation with the coach about your concerns, if you are still not happy please contact the VP of the sport your child is playing. This information is found on the board members tab under the about us page. After the season you can review your coach (check the parents page under the NAYS tab on our website)


If the fields are closed, why are coaches not allowed to work on them in an attempt to get them ready? In 2013 WJAA spent $4000 repairing years of damage caused by pushing water and dirt off the fields. If the fields are almost playable and the grounds keeper needs a little help so you can play, he will invite you and your coaches to chip in but if the fields are closed, they are closed.


Why not blacktop the drive and parking lot? Simply put we can not afford it and do not think we will ever be able to. If someone knows someone who would like to donate that please have them contact us. We would love to.


Are the board members paid? No. In fact on top of the hours they put in many spend money of their own on WJAA.


Why do the Board Members have 3 reserved parking spots? Mainly because the board members put in several hours every week and this is one of the few perks they get. Secondly board members are often carrying things to and from their cars for concession or they need to quickly park and take care of some WJAA business or take care of a quick task and then leave to get back to their families. These spots are not for spouses of board members or for coaches. They are NOT for concession workers. Please do not park there.


Why can’t we park on the side of the driveway? Safety. The driveway is a fire lane. WJAA could be fined a considerable amount for allowing the drive to be blocked. We had an accident at the fields in 2011 on a busy day. Cars parked on the driveway prevented fire and rescue from reaching an injured coach. Air Care had to be brought in. If you park on the driveway you will be towed.


Who can be in the concession stand? Board members, and Head coach and parent volunteers who are assigned to work that night. Nobody under the age of 13 is allowed in the concession ever. This is a serious health code violation.


Do our uniforms have to be Blue and White? YES. This rule is part of our WJAA bylaws. The uniforms must have primary colors of Blue and White. The idea is to instill pride in being Williamsburg Wildcat kids at a young age. It is also to let everyone know when they see Blue and White Williamsburg is in the house!


I want to be a soccer ref, who do I contact? The VP of Soccer (find that contact information on the board members page under the about us tab)

I want to umpire baseball, who do I contact? The VP of Baseball (find that contact information on the board members page under the about us tab)

I want to umpire Softball, who do I contact? the VP of Softball (find that contact information on the board members page under the about us tab)

I want to ref basketball, who do I contact? The VP of Basketball (find that contact information on the board members page under the about us tab)



Are the Refs/Umpires Certified? Yes each sport has requirements and classes that must be taken to officiate that particular sport. All of our Refs and Umpires are certified. 


When are the board member meetings? They are the 4th Tuesday of every month. During cold months they are held at 7:30 at the Village Hall or at a location announced on our WJAA facebook and Twitter feed. These can be seen from our website main page. During warm months they are held at 8:30 at the WJAA complex under the concession. All members may attend.


Who is a member? Anyone who paid for their child to play at WJAA in the 12 month sports year.


I’d like to coach a team. Who do I contact? Please contact the VP of that particular sport. (find that contact information on the board members page under the about us tab)


Why does WJAA not have bleachers? WJAA once had bleachers but we had to take them down because they required a huge increase in our insurance fees. 


I am a High School Student and I need community volunteer hours. Does WJAA have anything for me?  Yes please contact our president. We need plenty of help at various times of the year. 


I want to get involved on a regular basis in helping WJAA what do I do? Contact our president or attend a monthly board meeting and let us know. We are always looking for good people who want to help.


Who is responsible for emptying the trash cans at the fields? Trash Night for WJAA falls on a Wednesday night. If you are up there for a game or for practice and are one of the last to leave the park, please do help by taking the trash cans to the road for pickup. Likewise, on Thursdays, the trash cans will need to be pulled from the end of the drive and returned to their spots in the park. Additionally, if you see trash on the ground regardless of if you are a coach, player or parent, please pick it up. This is your organization. If you see a full trash can and want to help, please do! In 2015, we purchased a gator that has been great help in getting the cans to the end of the gravel drive. Please ask your coach about using it to help with trash. Again, this is an organization founded on parent volunteerism. This is your organization take pride in it and jump in.  You are a member.


Who Can Use The Batting Cages?

Any WJAA member can use the batting cages. If a team is scheduled in there then you must wait your turn. The batting cage is locked up like Fort Knox to prevent kids from getting in there and having a serious injury with those machines. To get the code, ask your coach. Adult supervision and operation of the equipment is required at all times.   






W.J.A.A. Williamsburg Junior Athletic Association
3759 Old State Route 32 
Williamsburg, Ohio 45176

Email: [email protected]

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