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Williamsburg Junior Athletic Association

Williamsburg Junior Athletic Association




Coaches, Parents and Volunteers: To better prepare our coaches and help insure the protection of your children, while participating in the sports hosted by the Williamsburg Junior Athletic Association, WJAA is now NAYS affiliated. This initiative will provide efficient training and background screening to our coaches and volunteers. Please read the below information.


All Volunteers 

Anyone interacting with the children participating at WJAA, will need to pass a background screening prior to volunteering. This includes, but is not limited to, team moms and anyone helping on the fields/court during practice. If you have a question as to whether or not you should get your background screening, please send an email for further clarification to WJAA VP.  We have negotiated a reduced rate for the background screening to only $16.95. As a volunteer, you will need to renew your background check every 3 years.


To Begin Your Background Check Click The Image Below.




All Volunteers

Any member of the WJAA that would be coaching, assistant coach, board member, or helping assist a child at the WJAA; we do require that a NAYS Certification is on file with the WJAA. This certification is good for 1 year from the date you completed your membership through NAYS (National Youth Sports Coaches Association). In addition to the basic coaches training, NYSCA offers sport specific training, concussion training, bullying training, and abuse training that is part of the Senate Bill 234 in the State of Ohio.
The current cost to become a NYSCA member is $20.00 annually. This must be done before you interact with any child at WJAA.


This document will give you step by step instructions and the links to signup Coaches NAYS Instructions
NOTE: The Link in the PDF Document is not valid. Please go to to sign up for step #1 









Coaches, Parents and Volunteers,  to better prepare our coaches and help insure the protection of your children while participating in the sports hosted by the Williamsburg Junior Athletic Association, WJAA is now NAYS Affiliated. This initiative will provide cost efficient training and background screening to our coaches and volunteers.



Anyone interacting with the children participating on a WJAA team, other than their own child, will need to pass a background screening prior to volunteering. This includes, but is not limited to, team moms and anyone helping on the fields/court during practice. If you will be interacting with the children in any form from the team standpoint, we REQUIRE that you receive your background screening to insure the safety of the children. If you have a question as to whether or not you should get your background screening, please send  an email for further clarification to WJAA VP.   We have negotiated a reduced rate for the background screening to only $12.00 per volunteer.  You must have this before any interaction with children at WJAA. A list of those with backgorund checks will be posted on the website and can be cheked at anytimeFor anyone wondering about why we need background checks. Google "youth coach charged". Is it worth $12 to make sure this doesn't happen to our kids?


To Begin Your Background Check Click The Image Below









If you are a coach, (head coach or an assistant who may be left in charge of a game) in addition to your background screening, you will also need to join and complete the NYSCA (National Youth Sports Coaches Association) volunteer training program. The NYSCA volunteer coach training program is designed to sensitize volunteer coaches to their responsibilities and hold them accountable to a strict Code of Conduct defined by the NYSCA Coaches'. In addition to the basic coaches training, NYSCA offers sport specific training, REQUIRED by the STATE OF OHIO concussion training and bullying training as well. Also with your membership you will be covered with one million dollars of liability insurance as well as other benefits.   The current cost to become a NYSCA member is $20.00 annually. This certification is good for all sports during a year. This must be done before you interact with any children at WJAA.


This document will give you step by step instructions and the links to signup Coaches NAYS Instructions



We appreciate your support as we continue to improve the organization and provide the best quality programs we can for the children of our community. As a parent feel free to check the posted lists of those with background checks and report anyone working with our children who is not background checked to any head coach or WJAA board member. They will be required to watch from the sidelines. 








Coaches, Parents and Volunteers,  to better prepare our coaches and help insure the protection of your children while participating in the sports hosted by the Williamsburg Junior Athletic Association, WJAA is now NAYS Affiliated. This initiative will provide cost efficient training and background screening to our coaches and volunteers.



Anyone interacting with the children participating on a WJAA team, other than their own child, will need to pass a background screening prior to volunteering. This includes, but is not limited to, team moms and anyone helping on the fields/court during practice. If you will be interacting with the children in any form from the team standpoint, we REQUIRE that you receive your background screening to insure the safety of the children. If you have a question as to whether or not you should get your background screening, please send  an email for further clarification to WJAA VP.   We have negotiated a reduced rate for the background screening to only $12.00 per volunteer.  You must have this before any interaction with children at WJAA. A list of those with backgorund checks will be posted on the website and can be cheked at anytimeFor anyone wondering about why we need background checks. Google "youth coach charged". Is it worth $12 to make sure this doesn't happen to our kids?


To Begin Your Background Check Click The Image Below









If you are a coach, (head coach or an assistant who may be left in charge of a game) in addition to your background screening, you will also need to join and complete the NYSCA (National Youth Sports Coaches Association) volunteer training program. The NYSCA volunteer coach training program is designed to sensitize volunteer coaches to their responsibilities and hold them accountable to a strict Code of Conduct defined by the NYSCA Coaches'. In addition to the basic coaches training, NYSCA offers sport specific training, REQUIRED by the STATE OF OHIO concussion training and bullying training as well. Also with your membership you will be covered with one million dollars of liability insurance as well as other benefits.   The current cost to become a NYSCA member is $20.00 annually. This certification is good for all sports during a year. This must be done before you interact with any children at WJAA.


This document will give you step by step instructions and the links to signup Coaches NAYS Instructions



We appreciate your support as we continue to improve the organization and provide the best quality programs we can for the children of our community. As a parent feel free to check the posted lists of those with background checks and report anyone working with our children who is not background checked to any head coach or WJAA board member. They will be required to watch from the sidelines. 


W.J.A.A. Williamsburg Junior Athletic Association
3759 Old State Route 32 
Williamsburg, Ohio 45176

Email: [email protected]

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